Tuesday, July 18, 2017

3 Learn and Grow

3 Learn and Grow

Yes! that's right! learn! Read, read, read and read some more. Train with a qualified teacher if you can, or learn from an experienced Wiccan. You never stop learning! But don't just rely on books and teachers... Look to nature. Look within. Listen carefully... And don't get all your info at one place... Get more than one opinion... Look at different options ...And always go with your intuition... No two witches are the same... So no two witches will learn the same things the same way... And no two witches will apply it the exact same way... Learning and growing are unique to each and we all grow at different paces and directions... Don't forget to journal your knowledge for future references.

Here are some of the new things I learned on How to make your home and everyday life more Magical.

  • Enchant the mirrors in your house to give everyone who looks into them a boost in their self-esteem...HERE is how...we can never have too much self-love, spread the love my beauties.
  • Place a candle on the stove to symbolize the traditional hearth fire. Or any other thing that represents the element of fire....HERE you can find the correspondences to all the elements, fire is the 3rd one, in the list you’ll find many alternatives representations for the fire elements, examples, red chili, triangle or pyramid, something red or orange, etc...Fire is a very active source of magick, strengthening your bond with it will only increase your power of success and fast acting energy.
  • Make a magic doormat that draws in good company and keeps away the bad...HERE's a quick how to...always protect yourself and your home, that is where your body rests and replenishes.

  • Pay close attention to the sort of energy your decor creates and adjust it to help create the energy you want in your home....for example, if you want a happy and peaceful home, do not decorate with crying women, weeping angles, war painting, memorabilia etc...or for an inviting home, try not to decorate with menacing looking animal posters or taxidermy...you might want to use soft textures, lighting, plants, soft colors on the walls, paintings that feels cozy and warm instead. but on the other hand if you do want to create a home vibe that sends a message of don't  mess with me or my house then go for it, you might even go as far as using Gothic decor and creepy vintage dolls...just make sure it has the energy you want to create and live with everyday...also remember that anything that enters your home that has been previously owned should be cleansed, because objects retains old energies and you don't know what kind of energy it has been exposed to...HERE is a link to my cleansing page.

  • Is the TV the center of your home? Electronics can drastically change the feel of a space, try moving it to a less central spot and focus your rooms on something else, something that brings joy to you, like art or picture of people you love or pets, mandalas that makes you want to meditate more, an altar that makes you want to do your rituals more often...bring what makes you happy to the center of your attention.

  • Playing music can change the vibe of your home, Music is a very potent vibration changer, music is vibrations, therefore depending on the music you have in the background it will activate certain chakras in your body... stimulates your scenes of hearing, great for clairaudience.

  Chakra Healing Music HERE 

  • Changing the scent in a room can quickly shift the energy. Try setting a small pot of water with cranberries, orange peel, cinnamon or mint on the stove to simmer, or burn some incense, wax melts, or scented candles, use essential oils in a diffuser or even bake some bread...the nose is a very important sense, it is often linked to memories...do you remember the smell of something from your childhood...for me it was my grandmas house that always smelt like food..lol..not very specific or original but the Christmas turkey is a specific one for me.

  • Get rid of stuff! Your belongings hang onto energy. Gifts from people you don’t like? Stop being polite and letting their energy invade your house. Chuck it. Anything that reminds you of past relationships can go. In fact, cleaning house post breakup is super important! Get rid of any lingering reminders, wash their smell out of everything and clean your mattress thoroughly...like Marie Kondo would say...only keep what sparks joy...this is very important for people with high sensitivity to energies like Empaths that can get even depress by living in a home where the previous owners were unhappy or had a lot of struggles...cleansing is verrrryyy important when you move into a new space. 

  • If it’s broken ditch it. or fix it immediately (within a month). How often do you actually do that though? If you haven't fixed it within a month it's because it is not that necessary or that important. Throw it away or give it to someone who will have a use for it...everything has a vibration but when broken the vibration changes to a lower vibration that attracts lower vibration things to enter your home, because you allow this thing to stay broken in your home you are sending a message that you don't deserve to have it in a perfect condition or working condition therefore you allow broken energy to block the positive ones to enter...laws of attraction is no joke...the more you realize you deserve the best of the best the more of that will appear in your life.

  • If you haven’t used it in the last year, chances are you won’t use it in the next year either. Get rid of it...again the more stuff you have the more probable you have useless junk and like the previous point, useless and junk attracts more useless and junky energy in...you deserve better.

  • Make a habit of cleaning in small ways every day. Don’t let the mail pile up, clean up dishes left in odd rooms, pick up laundry, and just generally put things back where they belong. This goes a long way toward keeping the energy flow moving through your home smoothly...the chi in your home is very important, and you don't need to be a master at Feng Shui to see what works and what doesn't, when you enter a room and feel like turning around that is when you know you need to make some changes...don't let it stay like that for too long or again the laws of attraction, clutter in your home attracts clutter in your mind and vice versa.

  •  Put bells on your doors. Bells help to clear energy, every time you open a door that room gets a little cleansing boost...plus fairies love bells and wind chimes, if you have plants and want some help attract them in with tiny bells and miniature things in your plant pots.


  • Cleaning your house can be turned into more than just house magic. You can visualize yourself sweeping away worries or scrubbing old habits that aren’t serving you away as well...visualization is also a very important part of growing your magick and powers, the more you practice the stronger you will get....HERE is some exercises you can do to train your mind...Visualization by Scott Cunningham

  • Bake bread. This really falls more under the heading of kitchen witchcraft but the smell of baking bread (or cookies!) wafting through your home can alter the energy in lovely ways and it’s also great for bringing prosperity to the house...kitchen magick is very real my friends and one of the magick that you can use everyday to practice your power of manifestation.

HERE is a link to some of my favorite recipes

HERE is a link to my basic herbs and spices uses

and HERE is a link to my HERBAL GRIMOIRE an alphabetical collection of herbs, plants, spices to use in food, potions and magick in general.


  1. Merci pour tout, ton aide et connaissance me sont précieuse en ces temps , affectueusement
