4 Apply Knowledge With Wisdom

4 Apply Knowledge With Wisdom

Knowledge comes from the mind as the Wisdom comes from the Higher-Self…knowing is very important when doing witchcraft or any craft for that matter, a craft is all about learning for the mastery of said craft, but some crafts like witchcraft needs more than just knowledge, it also needs to be applied with wisdom. Knowledge is knowing how to make something but Wisdom is knowing if it should or shouldn’t be done.

Now, how does one cultivate wisdom, well from learning from your mistakes…lol…and thankfully also from the mistakes of others, life has it’s ways of teaching you wisdom. You get wiser every time you meet someone who does things differently than you, and specially when you can witness the outcomes of their actions, whether the outcome is good or bad, it will be a learning experience…wisdom can always be found trough experience. 

Mistakes and life is not the only way to wisdom, cultivating a good relationship with your Higher-self is also a great way to get wiser, and the best way to do it is through intentional meditation…a meditation specially made for you to connect with your Higher-self

Meditation is a bit different for everyone but learning how to talk to your Higher-self is a very helpful tool for a witch, since your intuition is a way of communication that comes from your Higher-self and as a witch your Intuition is very important, you can imagine how connecting directly to the source would be even more useful, once you have established a good connection you can call upon it and have direct conversations when in doubt, answers to your questions, visions and insight to everything.

But first, here’s a brief description of what the Higher-self is: As humans we have multiple sides to ourcomplex existence, here are some of them, we have the body (that lives in the physical dimension), we have the inner child (that is ourselves as a child that never grew up and lives inside of us at all times), we have the personality (that is the side of us than we have created trough living and connecting with other humans), we have the Ego(that is the part of us who keeps our human body alive, and also the one who keeps us from going into the higher-self), and we have the Higher-self(that keeps us from being run by the ego and keeps us connected with the divine)…the Higher-Self is our direct connection with the divine, it’s the part of us that makes us part of the divine therefore makes us divine too, without a Higher-self we would be the same as animals, our human nature would run our thoughts, emotions and actions, we would only run on instinct, fear, sex, hunger and leisure, just like other mammals…but thankfully most of us also live in creativity, acceptance, love, connections, morals, wisdom, service and spirituality (all things that the higher-self brings us)…the Higher-self is what sets us apart from other living things on earth…we can always argue that lots of people don’t live like that, well those are prime examples of people who don’t cultivate a good connection with their own Higher-self and instead choose to cultivate a relationship with their Ego…and we can also argue that some animals can also live by acceptance, love, connection and service, but these are usually found in domesticated animals that have been influenced by humans for a looong time now, and when we look at wild animals they usually don’t, some exceptions can be found but it is not the norm, animals are very instinctual and will always choose the path to survival over all.

Now that we have a better understanding of what the Higher-self is and we know that Wisdom comes from it, we can move on to applying it to our knowledge and our craft 

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