Protection Doormat


Every day we go in and out of our houses, caring in all types of energies, emotions and vibrations...the accumulation of these energies will eventually put a toll on the overall ambiance of your home. An abundance of good vibes and energy is always welcomed to my house but reality is that, it is not always the case, and it's not only you...sometimes those negative energies comes in with an unwanted visitor, a despaired partner coming home from a bad day at work or a teen who had his/her first breakup...a great way to halt those bad vibes at your door is to make an enchanted doormat to only let the good in and keep the bad's so simple to do that no home of a witch should be without 😉.

step 1. 

get a doormat or if you already have one and want to use it, please do...if you don't already have one or planning on changing the one you have, pleas consider a natural fiber one, it's better for the environment.,

step 2. 

time for a cleans...whether it's new or old you should cleans it...for a new mat, you can simply cleans it with a smudge stick, for a used one, cleans it with soap and hot water (carpet soap is recommended but laundry soap will do also)... in your soapy water you can add a pinch of salt for purification and cleansing...also add a few drops of essential oils if you want, any oil that is protecting or cleansing (ex: peppermint, clove, cinnamon, basil) you can even chant as you wash your mat something like this:

I shall cleans this mat today
I make all negativity go away
With this salt I purify and keep the bad away
May these oils help protection stay
With all my will and say
make this mat shine the way
so mote it be!

step 3.

while the mat is drying, time to create a protection sigil....HERE is a sigil tutorial or if you want to use existing one you can find many online or here's↓ some of my protection sigil that you can use if you wish...the first one was made specifically for a door/doormat spell and the second one is a general protection sigil for any type of protection magick.

step 4.

once the mat is completely dry, paint the Sigil to the back of your mat...with some fabric paint, acrylic paint or even sharpie marker(not recommended if your mat is going on a wooden deck as the ink may eventually leak into the wood and stain it) if your mat is directly on the ground this will be the sigil needs to be painted to the back of the mat, so no one can see it only you will know it's there and that is what will keep its power strong...away from judgments and close mindedness(that can damper the power of it).

step 5.

install the mat in front of the door that is the most used by everyone in your house...if 2 doors are constantly being used consider making 2 just set it in place, stand on it closing your eyes and visualize a very bright light beaming on it from he sky, for few seconds or more(as much time as you feel is needed) and then forget it and let it do it's magick, every once in a while you will be reminded of it, this means its time to reactivate or re-energies it... just by standing on it and redo the remove all the negativity it has trapped and re-boosting the positivity back into it.

That is it...set and done, so easy anyone can do this.

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