
charisma, self-confidence, bravery, supervision skills, and spiritual growth. Shielding the astral self from unwanted intrusion from other realms. The pith is easily pushed out of green shoots to make whistles. Several shoots bound together by cordage. Can be trimmed to the desired length for producing the note you want and used to entice Air element. The old superstition of "whistling up the wind" began with this custom.

father of all trees. brain power, aids in communication, intelligence, wisdom, and promotes curiosity. Use this wood to remove mental blockages and aid in the promotion of word use and understanding. It is the wood of the writer, poet, and scholar. Promotes spiritual love and health. Protects against unwanted change. Brings balance to the mind. It is said that warts rubbed on the bark will be absorbed into the tree.
Use for protection from drowning, magical effectiveness, sea power, and healing. Ash is also used for protection, finding special roots, horse magic, enhances skills of arts and crafts,
justice, weather magic, and for working with the magic of cave and wells. Good for healing, general and solar magic. Put fresh ash leaves under your pillow to stimulate psychic dreams.

rebirth, renewal, and diligence. Some use this wood to aid in the calming of emotions. The bark helps to heal wounds and burns. Many European communities use or have used, birch twigs to expel evil spirits. Some cultures utilize birch rods in rituals designed to drive out spirits of the old year. Controlled by Moon influences to include; birth, Lunar spells, healing, and protection. Birch by tradition has been linked to youth and new beginnings.
Use in rituals that signify a new start of any endeavor. Known as Lady of the Woods, Paper Birch and White Birch. Carefully gather strips of the bark at the New Moon. With red ink, write on a birch strip: "Bring me true love."
Burn this along with a love incense, saying "Goddess of love, God of desire, Bring to me sweet passion's fire." The specific name of a god/goddess may be added. Or cast the bark into a stream or other flowing water, saying: "Message of love, I set you free, to capture a love and return to me." ***Remember*** It is unwise to use this incantation and ritual directed toward a specific person as that would violate the rule. If a love is to come to you, it must be of that person's free will to do so.

banishment, magical arts, protection from evil, imagination, change, and healing. Also known as Ellhorn, Elderberry, Lady Elder. Sacred to the White Lady and Midsummer Solstice. The Druids used it to both bless and curse. Standing under an elder tree at Midsummer, like standing in a Fairy Ring of mushrooms, will help you see the "little people." Music on panpipes or flutes of elder can be used to drive out evil spirits Remember the words of the Rede. Elder is the Lady's Tree, burn it not or cursed ye be!

open insight provides psychic protection, encourages creativity,
used to make charms, aids in the development of self-confidence, purification, develops patience, detects magic since it is deeply magical from outer realms, used in weather working, the banishment of evil spirits, concealing magic, chastity, male potency, and fairy magic. The blossoms are highly erotic to men. Hawthorn can be used for protection,
love and marriage spells.

artistic ability, magical knowledge, and optimism are provided by the enchanting use of Hazel. The energy of hazel wands promoted love and creativity allowing a person to move beyond self-serving modes of existence. Hazel is the bringer of change. Hazel also promotes creative expression, eloquence, and art of all types. This was the most common wood used to create wands in the ancient Celtic traditions. Also used in magic spells for wisdom, creativity, intelligence, navigation, inspiration, and wrath. Forked sticks are used to find water or buried treasure. If outside and in need of magical protection quickly draw a circle around yourself with a hazel branch. To enlist the aid of plant fairies, string hazelnuts on a cord and hang up in your house or ritual room. Magically, hazel wood is used to gain knowledge, wisdom, and poetic inspiration.

determination, strength, optimism, spiritual growth, good against wayward spirits and angry elementals, ensures success in business and all new endeavors.

truth, steadfast knowledge, protection. vitality and long life. To the ancient Celtic people, oak was the protector, provider, benevolent king of the trees. Utilized as a healing wood, and very well-grounded considering its strong connection to the earth. This wood helps center the mind, allowing it to focus on the task at hand and ignore distractions. 
Oak help promotes both observation and intuition. Oak magic inspires bravery, presence, leadership skills, prosperity, and strength.
"King of Trees" in a grove. Magick wands were made of its wood. Oak galls, known as Serpent Eggs, were used in magickal charms. Acorns gathered at night held the greatest fertility powers. The Druids and Priestesses listened to the rustling oak leaves and the wrens in the trees for divinatory messages. Burning oak leaves purify the atmosphere. It can be used in spells for protection, strength, success and stability; the different varieties will lend their own special 'flavor' to the magic. 

family, fidelity and trust.
Reeds are burned to honor household spirits and a family’s patron deity; and in ancient Scotland, a broken reed was an omen of familial betrayal. Reeds may be placed through your home, especially the kitchen area, to bring the blessing of unity to your family.  Reed represents the turning within that we must undergo to nurture our souls' hunger for spirituality. The reed's qualities include protection, spiritual progress, and hunger for truth

protection and control of the senses from enchantment and beguiling. 
The Rowan was sacred to the Druids and the Goddess Brigit. It is a very magical tree used for wands, rods, amulets and spells. A forked Rowan branch can help find water. Wands are for knowledge, locating metal and general divination. 

spiritual initiation, faerie work, joy spells, excitement, rebirth., sacred knowledge, and authority.

death and rebirth, change, the will. It is a very emotional wood. Willow can add vital energy to the sick and elderly. 
Some say that burning willow can soothe and guide the souls of the recently deceased. Willow wood is the very essence of magic, not just the mere making a tool into a magical one, 
willow makes the tool magical. Willow will align itself to the inner will of the party that shares its energy. The stronger the will, the more effective the wood. Willow is extremely useful in healing. It is also good for love spells and rituals involving emotion. It strengthens the third eye, and is a great tool for divination as well. For a wish to be granted, ask permission of the willow, explaining your desire. Select a pliable shoot and tie a loose knot in it while expressing what you want. When the wish is fulfilled. return and untie the knot. Remember to thank the willow and leave a gift. 

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