There are 12 Esbats and 8 Sabbats…the Esbats are the 12 full moons, 1 each month and sometimes there’s an extra moon in a month they are called blue moons...each full moons have a name, a power and a different vibration, they are all about honouring the divine feminine and the Moon Goddess. The 8 sabbats starting with Yule on the wheel of the year because it’s the birth of the sun god all the way around to Samhain with his death…Sabbats are about honouring the divine masculine and celebrating the Sun God.
-The longest night of the year....The Goddess of the Moon gives birth to the God of the Sun, after labor She lay's down and rest.
-We light some candles or fires to celebrate His return.
-Just like in every family when there is a newborn we celebrate with food, drinks and all the family members and loved ones.
- The traditional foods are Cookies and caraway cakes soaked in cider, fruits, nuts, pork dishes, turkey, eggnog, ginger tea, spiced cider, wassail or lamb's wool(ale, sugar, nutmeg, roasted apples drink), apples, mulled wine, beans, and oranges.
-Yule Magic...Prosperity, Ridding yourself of old habits, Yule is also related to snow so it's a good time to do snow magic.

-The days are starting to grow....The God of the sun is Growing and the Goddess of the Moon is getting younger in Her slumber, she is being rejuvenated into the Maiden.
-We light many candles to encourage the young God to grow stronger.
-We can't wait for spring to come and the snow to melt so we look at the groundhog hoping it doesn't see his shadow.
-The traditional foods are Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, poppy-seed cakes, muffins, scones, bread, all dairy products, peppers, onions, garlic, raisins, spiced wines and herbal teas, chives, curries, honey, and lamb.
-Imbolc Magic...New beginning, Renewal, Love(valentine's around the corner) and Cleansing the home of old negative energies.
-Ostara (Spring Equinox)
-The first day of spring....The God of the sun is now a young-adult and the Goddess of the Moon is awaken into a beautiful young Maiden.
-We celebrate the returning fertility of the land by decorating eggs(symbol of fertility) and starting seeds for our future gardens.
-We feast with family, friends and egg hunts for kids.
-The traditional foods are Leafy green vegetables, dairy foods, nuts such as Pumpkin, sunflower, fresh fruits, eggs(especially hard boiled), honey and honey cakes, seeds, waffles, and milk.
-Ostara Magic...Luck, Fertility, and Creativity.
-Beltane (Summer)
-The days are getting longer....The God of the Sun and Goddess of the Moon are in love and getting Married...their union brings healthy livestock, strong crops, and new life.
-We celebrate their Wedding with great Fires, Maypoles, and Wreaths.
-Lots of Wiccans are getting Married(Handfasting) during this time of year.
-The traditional foods are Beltane oats/oatmeal cakes, cherries, dairy, green herbal salads, honey, nuts, red fruits, red or pink wine punch, sweets, and strawberries.
-Beltane Magic...Passion, Love, and Fertility
-Litha (Summer Solstice)
-The longest day of the year....The God of the Sun is in Full Power and the Goddess of the Moon is now the mother as she is starting her pregnancy.
-We celebrate the fist day of summer with walks in nature, outdoor BBQ with friends and family or even camping if we can.
-Still in the Wedding(Handfasting) season, Wiccans enjoys the long days and hot weather just like everyone my part of the world(up north) it's also time to plant outdoor gardens.
-The traditional foods are Honey, garden fresh fruits and vegetables, ale, bread, pumpernickel, cheese, edible flowers, lemons, mead and wines, milk, oranges, and summer squash.
-Litha Magic, fairy magic, Sun, and weather spells
-Lammas/Lughnasadh (Autumn)
-The days are already getting shorter...The God of the Sun is growing old and tired and the Goddess of the Moon is pregnant.
-We thank the God of the Sun for all the work he has done over the summer.
-We start harvesting some of what we planted, wild berries, crops and anything that is fully grown...some starts making flour with the wheat they harvested
-The traditional foods are Apples, grains, bread, berries, barley cakes, berry pies, jellies, colcannon(mash potatoes and cabbage), cider, sun-shaped cookies, corn, elderberry wine, grapes, honey, lamb, nuts, potatoes, rice and wild berries.
-Lammas/Lughnasadh Magic....magic that includes food(bread, honey, corn)
-Mabon (Autumn Equinox)
-The days are shorter and the trees are changing...The Old God of the Sun is dying and the Goddess of the Moon is mourning him as she gets older too, but rejoice knowing he is growing inside her waiting to be re-born.
-We celebrate by thanking the God and Goddess for the food and crops.
-We harvest a second time for the food that is ready to pick(apples) and start canning for winter. Also, time to give thanks to others around us (like thanksgiving).
-The traditional foods are Bread, nuts, apples, pomegranates, vegetables, carrots, onions, blackberries, cider, corn, cornbread, heather wine, potatoes, squash, wheat, and wine.
-Mabon Magic....magic that includes apple, grapes(wine), kitchen magic(herbs, spices).
-Samhain (Winter)
-The nights are now longer...The Goddess of the Moon now entering her Crone phase and pregnant she awaits the return of the God of the Sun while still mourning Him.
-We Honor our ancestors and the cycle of death and rebirth by taking a walk to cemeteries to visit loved ones that passed away...we pick the last of the crops and vegetation(pumpkins, squashes) before the frost takes over.
-The traditional foods are Turnips, apples and apple cider, gourds, nuts, mulled wines, beef, pork, poultry, ale, Bram brack or fruit cake, corn, mugwort tea, pumpkin, squash, and colcannon(mash potatoes and cabbage).
-Samhain Magic...Spirit work, divination and ridding your house of ghosts.
Every moon has its own special power....Now let's start with every moon, they have many names...
-January Full Moon
-Birch, Cold, Frost, Quiet, Ice, Old, Wolf Moon or Moon of Beginnings
-January is the time to conserve energy by working on personal problems that involve no one else. It is also a time for protection rites and reversing spells. During this month the energy flow is sluggish and below the surface.
-February Full Moon
-Rowan, Quickening, Moon of Ice, Starving, Snow, Hunger, Spirit or Storm Moon.
-February is the time for loving the self, accepting responsibility for past errors, forgiving yourself, and making future plans. At this time the energy flow is working toward the surface; good for purification, growth, and healing.
-March Full Moon
-Ash, Storm, Moon of Winds, Death, Windy, Crow, Crust, Sap or Worm Moon.
-March is the time for new beginnings, breaking illusions, and seeing the truth in your life however much it may hurt. The energy flow breaks into the open, a good time for growing, prospering and exploring. Light and Dark are in balance now.
-April Full Moon
-Alder, Growing, Seed, Pink, Grass, Egg, Water, Awakening or Fish Moon
-April is the time for working on your temper, emotional flare-ups, and selfishness. The energy is flowing into creating and producing; a good time for a change, self-confidence issues, taking advantage of opportunities and realizing self-reliance.
-May Full Moon
-Willow, Flower, Bright, Milk, Corn-planting, Grass, Hare or Marry Moon.
-May is the time for strengthening the connections with supernatural protectors and beings around you. The energy is in full flow making this a good time for intuition, propagating, and connecting with faeries and nature spirits.
-June Full Moon
-Hawthorn, Honey, Horse, Strawberry, Rose, Hot or Planting moon
-June is the time for decision making, taking responsibility for present happenings, working on personal inconsistencies, and for strengthening and rewarding yourself for your positive traits. The energy is in full, but restive flow, the Earth tides are turning making this a good time for protection, strengthening, and prevention spells.
-July Full Moon
-Oak, Blessing, Moon of Calming, Buck, Thunder, raspberry, Rose or Hay Moon.
-July is the time for dreamwork, divination, and meditation on spiritual goals and plans. The energy is slower and more relaxed, proper for success and prosperity spells. This month is the time to start preparing for the colder and darker months ahead.
-August Full Moon
-Holly, Corn. Moon of Encirclement, Sturgeon, Grain, Green Corn, Gathering, Dispute or Lightning Moon
-August is the time for harvesting, gathering, and appreciating. The energy flow is slowing more and now is the time of vitality, health, and friendships.
-September Full Moon
-Hazel, Harvest, Singing, Barley, Corn, Fruits or spider-web Moon.
-September is the time for organizing and straightening up physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual clutter. The energy flow is resting and Light and Dark are in balance.
-October Full Moon
-Vine, Blood, Falling Leaves, Hunter, Dying, Travel, Harvest or Shedding Moon.
-October is the time for inner cleansing. Meditate on the laws of Karma and thoughts of reincarnation. This is the time of letting go, justice, balance, and inner harmony.
-November Full Moon
-Ivy, Dark, New Snow, Beaver, Frost, Tree or Mourning Moon
-November is the month of transformation. It is time to prepare for the coming winter and a time to strengthen communication with the god or goddess closest to you. The energy flow is taking root and preparing to flow once more.
-December Full Moon
-Elder, Long Night, Wolf, Cold Moon or Moon of Completeness.
-December is the time of Spiritual Paths. The Earth tides are turning and it is time to reach out to friends and family, the lonely, and the needy. This is the month of death and renewal. Spells should be aimed at endurance and provision.
-Blue Moon (the second moon in a month) the date varies and usually appears every 2-3 years.
-Black or Wine Moon
-The energy of the Blue Moon if good for setting goals and intentions. The goals and intentions chosen should be ones that are big, important - not the average goals. Deciding how to focus the Blue Moon energy can be made by choosing the life area or areas that seem the most significant, such as love and happiness, physical health, prosperity, protection, and healing.
Full Moon Magic:
The Full Moon(Esbat) is used for Banishing, Protection, and Divination workings also Planning.
Full Moon magic has a seven days window, three days before the Full Moon, on the Night of the Full Moon and three days after the Full Moon. Sometimes the Magic take a full Moon cycle in order to be complete.
New Moon:
The New Moon is used for Personal Growth, Healing, and Blessing of a Personal Venture.
The results of New moon Magic should be seen at the start of the next Full Moon.
Waxing Moon:
This is a time for Attraction Magic, anything with which you wish to gain like Money, Love, Relationships, etc.
Waning Moon:
This is a time for Banishing and Rejecting things from our lives whether this is Negative Emotions, bad Habits, Diseases or Ailments.
The Dark of the Moon:
This is three days before the New Moon. Traditionally this is a time for Rest. No magic will be performed at this time. Deep Meditation and Vision Questing can be performed at this time, but not for Magical Purposes.
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