
What Are Sigils

A Sigil is a type of symbol used by anyone in rituals or magick. The term is usually referred to a type of design or ideogram and is also known as a seal. The word "Sigil" comes from the Latin word "Sigillum", that means Sign. for it's usage, especially in  magick, sigils are a symbolic representation of a desired outcome or intention.

How to use Sigils

You can use Sigils in many ways, you can...  

- carve them in food like bottom crust of a pie before baking, example: for health, love, abundance, family or peace(specially for family reunions, where family members tends to fight), etc, any magick related to Earth or/and Fire 

- carve them into firewood...ex: for passion, action, purification or protection, etc or
any magick related to Fire

- carve them into candles before burning them...for any type of magick you are working with 

- paint them on rocks and buried them or setting them out for decoration...great for money, grounding, stability, abundance, protection, etc, any magick related to Earth

- draw them in the steam on my mirror after a for self-love, self-esteem, healing, happiness,
any magick related to Water and/or Air

 - engrave them on the back of jewelry...great for protection, or anything you want to attract for yourself.

There is no limit or possibilities when it comes to using Sigils.

How to Make Sigils

You can use Sigils that are ready made, if they resonate well with you or you can make them yourself...

...first off, there are several ways to make sigils and you should always use the way you feel is best for you because there are no right or wrong way to make them...any Sigil you make with a clear intention will work for you... here's a little introduction on a couple ways you can make them.

Intuitively: Also known as Energy Drawing, you let your intuition and intention lead the way, drawing a symbol with nothing but your Intention clear in your mind, nothing else, without over-thinking about the how or why or any other questions, this is a very powerful way to use your own energy. this way of drawing will usually give you a very organic looking sigil, something like this ↓ . Now even with no title I bet most people will know the intention behind this. (Love)

Custom Alphabet: the custom alphabet, is a whole language that you will create, so you can create many sigils that will have the same look or similar feel. This is a bit more work but it will also give you 100% freedom to be creative. This is the way I make my Sigils, HERE is more information on how I do this and my's an example of a sigil made with my custom alphabet↓ (Health).

Ready made sigil Alphabet: There is no shame in using an alphabet that was made by someone else specially with magical intention, sometimes you see something that resonates really well with you and therefore you should let this bond guide you and help you start designing your sigils. ex: Elementarium (by Isobel Winter) or older ones like Theban (made in the 1500's), Malachim(by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa in 16th century), Alphabet of the Magi(by Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim in the 16th century)'s an example of Isobel's sigil↓(I am enough)

Ancient Alphabet: The same way you would use a custom or ready made alphabet, you use the alphabet our ancestor and ancient civilizations to help you create, there are many ancient alphabets you can use to inspire you, like our own Roman Alphabet (ABC), or other culture's alphabet like Chinese(愛情), Japanese(愛する), Arabic(حب), Hebrew(אהבה) etc... or really ancient alphabets like Phoenician, Greek, Norse, Atlantean, Freemason, Celtic and many others can be found on the internet. Also when doing Sigils it is customary to remove the vowels from the Alphabet. so for example if you were to use the Roman Alphabet and you would like to do a luck Sigil, you might use an affirmation like "Luck is on my side", remove the vowels you get...LUCK IS ON MY SIDE = LCKSNMSD, now you may remove any doubled letters like the second S so you end up arrange the letters in a way that pleases you.

 now with the lines simplified...
and now with a bit of you can see, this can be done with any language, any alphabet or any symbols you want to add.

The Wheel: The wheel technique is used with our Roman alphabet and a wheel of 10 number, this is to me a great and simple way to start. The wheel of ten numbers is also the 10 Pointed star(Dekagram) who is related to the 10 Sephiroth of the Tree of Life(Kabbalah), the 10 commandments of god, or like in tarot the cycle of life, full circle, moving forward and the kingdom of earth(the dimension or plane we live in) you draw a wheel, there's 2 way of drawing it(chose the one you like best)...the #1(one line Star) or #2 the Overlapping Pentagrams...depending on which design you chose the numbers wont be in the same order around the wheel.

Now when doing Sigils as it is customary to remove all the vowels and keep only the 20 putting them in order or 2 rows you get numbers for each so

once you have your wheel of number and your grid of letters you can now put your full focus on your intention and word or phrase you want to use, for example I will use "I am loved", now we remove all the vowels so you end up with I AM LOVED = MLVD, so we get 10, 9, 7 & 3

On your wheel(#1 style used here), by drawing from point 1 to point 4 you will get something like this
↓ that is a fine sigil that can be used in any way you like.

And you can also embellish your sigil by adding a bit more details and make it more visually pleasing if you wish.


  1. Really like this I do crave on candles so this will alot more thank you


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  4. Hello Bibianne Valentin I had found this today wondering if you might know what it means looks like same sorta thing you create

  5. Hi Bibianne, I found your blog post and very interested in getting some work done by you, let me know if you can help 🙏
